Kensington Ducks mural defaced with graffiti

Did the Kensington duck mural was protected with an anti graffiti coating?

by Alfredo Mendoza, onGraffiti CoatingNews , August 31, 2021

Anti-Graffiti coating used to protect graffiti? Although it sounds weird, protective coatings came in handy before the Kensignton duck mural was vandalised again.

It is rare to see that graffiti is protected with an anti graffiti coating preventing tagging over it. But in this case, a paint layer saved the happiness of local residents.   As we trudge through lockdowns, having colourful streets within a 5km radius is necessary to avoid going mental. Unfortunately, Kensignton residents had a bad time when vandals attacked the local ducks mural.

Kensington local Heather Shearer said it lifted her and her neighbours’ spirits when they went outside for their one hour walk each day.

Kensington local Heather Shearer said it lifted her and her neighbours’ spirits when they went outside for their one hour walk each day.

“We all love the ducks — everyone talks about the ducks and kids have photos with the ducks,” she said

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Kensington Ducks mural protected with an anti graffiti coating

After the first attack in 2020, the local community decided to get the ducks mural protected with an anti graffiti coating. 

“They mean so much right now; they become extra important because you get so involved in your 5km bubble.”

The duck mural was defaced for the first time in August 2020. The community ñaunched a GoFundMe campaign and got $1700 to repaint the mural and protect it with anti-graffiti coating. Local residents were proud to take their kids to the area and get photos with the mural.

However, according to ABC Australica, joy turned to anger when vandals illegally defaced the duck mural with drawn-on breasts in late august 2021 — for the second time.

“Some people were really mad – some were saying they couldn’t believe it happened and there should be CCTV,” she said.

Nevertheless, the commisioner of the artwork Peter Binks had a different perception. ” I do feel mixed about it because I couldn’t help but laugh at the diversity of the boobs.”

“The mural captured the hearts and minds of a lot of people, and people are very attached to it – me included,” he said.

“Fingers-crossed it’ll get back to its beautiful pre-boob glory.”

This second time, the expenses were less, as the anti-graffiti paint plaid a vital role in preventing grave damage. The community didn’t wait long to see the mural back in its original glory.

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Kensington Ducks mural artists

Strong stance’ against graffiti

Street art is considered part of the vibrant Melbournian culture, nevertheless Lord Mayor Sally Capp tool a “strong stance” against, vandalism, itagging and illegal graffiti.

“The City of Melbourne is investing more than $1.1 million on graffiti removal this year,” she said. Additionally, further fees are paid to remove graffiti at heights and local patrols payroles. 

“We remove more than 70,000 square metres of graffiti from surfaces each year, which is the equivalent of around three MCGs worth of graffiti.”

Graffiti vandalism has increased duriong the the year and is likely to continue. Thus, if your walls are tagged or your neighbourhood is struggling with vandals, make sure you protect your property win anti-graffiti coatings. 

Marking publicly visible graffiti, or offensive graffiti, on private property without the owner’s consent can result in up to two years’ prison and a maximum fine of almost $44,000.

So, if you catch a vandal, report it straight away to your local authorities and for a quick solution, contact us. We will help you with graffiti removal or get your walls protected with an anti graffiti coating on the same day.